E30325-001 Intel Socket-771 Cooler, P/N: E30325
Active or 1U Passive E30325-001 Intel Socket-771 Cooler
P/N: E30325-001
Aluminum Heat Sink
Fan attached
4-pin connector
Cost-optimized Active/1U Combo Aluminum Heatsink for the Dual-Core and Quad-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5100, 5200, 5300 and 5400 series. This is both the active and 1U passive heatsink for these processors. The fan may be removed for use in a 1U chassis. This heatsink may be used for Quad-Core CPUs that are 80W or lower, and Dual-Core CPUs that are 65W or lower (E54xx, L54xx, E53xx, L53xx, E52xx, L52xx, and all 51xx except 5160 b-step).